A.S.A.P Raffles-Coventry BA (Honours) in International Fashion Business Graduates!

A.S.A.P Raffles-Coventry BA (Honours) in International Fashion Business Graduates!

“As Sustainable As Possible” (A.S.A.P), organised by Raffles-Coventry University’s BA (Honours) in International Fashion Business students, was a spectacular exhibition at Design Orchard showcasing the culmination of their final projects.

In this exhibition, innovative marketing campaigns and business plans centred around sustainable fashion products and designs, providing an insight into the students’ deep commitment towards integrating sustainability into the fashion industry, demonstrating both creativity and strategic thinking.

We were honoured to have Coventry Link Tutors Ms. Ann MURIHEAD and Mr. Phil PERRY visit the exhibition. Their presence provided an invaluable opportunity for our students to receive expert feedback and insights. Ms. MURIHEAD and Mr. PERRY not only offered constructive suggestions on how to refine and enhance the students’ work but also commended the professionalism and quality of the projects presented. Their guidance and praise underscored the significance of the students’ efforts and reinforced the importance of sustainability in fashion business education. The ASAP exhibition was a resounding success, exemplifying the potential of our students to drive positive change in the fashion industry.